Microsoft Tunnel Gateway: A quick overview

This week my post is a few days later, as my post is an extension of my session at the Nordic Virtual Summit Second Edition. At the virtual summit I did a session about Getting access to on-premises resources with Microsoft Tunnel. During that session I shared the information around the architecture of Microsoft Tunnel and I zoomed in on getting up-and-running with Microsoft Tunnel and getting insight in Microsoft Tunnel. This post will provide a quick summary of that session about the different important components of Microsoft Tunnel and how to get connected to Microsoft Tunnel. Most of that information will be summarized in tables and slides. The slides (PDF) of that session are available for download here.

Main components of Microsoft Tunnel

The Microsoft Tunnel contains a few components that together make the complete solution. The table below (in Figure 1) summarizes those different components and provides a short summary about the usage of that component.

Architecture of Microsoft Tunnel

The architecture of the Microsoft Tunnel is important for understanding the traffic flows. The picture below (in Figure 2) provides an overview of that architecture. It also shows the main interactions and flows that are important for the Microsoft Tunnel.

Installing and configuring Microsoft Tunnel

The information about installing and configuring the Microsoft Tunnel is important to get it up-and-running. To get started with the installation, have a look at this post and the Microsoft docs.

Interacting with Microsoft Tunnel

The interaction with the Microsoft Tunnel is important for understanding the configuration and for troubleshooting any potential issues. The picture below (Figure 3) provides an overview of the most important locations, logs and tools. For more information have a look at this post and the Microsoft docs.

More information

For more information about getting started with the Microsoft Tunnel, refer to the following docs.

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