Quick tip: Blocking screen capture with app protection policies on iOS devices

This week a relatively short blog post. Not because it’s challenging to get up-and-running in this new year, but mainly to highlight a change in behavior on iOS devices. That change in behavior is all about app protection policies on iOS devices. For apps that have updated to v19.7.6 or later for Xcode 15 and v20.2.1 or later for Xcode 16 of the SDK, the default screen capture behavior will change. Before that update, blocking the screen capture was not option with app protection policies on iOS devices. That has now changed. Starting with that update, blocking screen capture is available in app protection policies and enabled by default when Send Org data to other apps is configured to anything other than “All apps“. This post will …

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Limiting access to apps during non-working time

This week is all about a relatively new functionality for limiting access to apps on iOS and Android devices during non-working time. Working time settings allow organizations to enforce policies that limit access to apps and to mute notification messages from apps during non-working time. Muting notifications is something that was already possible by using global quiet time, as described in this earlier post. Limiting access, however, is something relatively new that can be used for limiting access to specific apps during non-working time. That can be achieved by using app protection policies to block or warn users from using Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Edge on their iOS and Android devices, during non-working time. For that, a new setting is introduced in the conditional launch …

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Getting started with just-in-time registration and compliance remediation

This week is all about just-in-time (JIT) registration and compliance remediation. Not something completely new, but it’s new that it’s now available for all iOS and iPadOS enrollments. In a way this post is a follow-up, or deeper dive, to this post about getting started with web-based device enrollment. While that post was really focused on the web-based device enrollment, this post is focused more on a specific feature that’s also used for web-based device enrollment. That feature is JIT registration. JIT registration, however, can be used for more than just the registration of the device. It can also be used for the compliance remediation of the device. This post will start with a short introduction to JIT registration and JIT compliance remediation, followed with …

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Temporarily removing apps and configurations from mobile devices

This week is all about a new feature that is specifically for mobile devices, and that feature is the ability to remove, reinstall, and re-apply specific configuration policies, configuration profiles, and apps. The best part is that it can be achieved without changing the assignments of those apps and configurations. That can be really useful to help with resolving specific challenges and to quickly restore the productivity of the user. The apps and configurations that were removed will automatically be restored within 8-24 hours. Alternatively, the IT administrator can also manually initiate an action to restore the removed apps and configurations earlier. So, in the end, the focus remains on ensuring that the devices remain consistent with the assigned apps and configurations. This post will …

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Remotely collecting diagnostic logs for managed Microsoft 365 apps

This week is sort of a follow-up on a post of more then 5 years ago, about checking diagnostic logs for managed apps on iOS and Android devices. That post was focussed on how to achieve that locally on the device. Since recently, a lot has changed. The local option is still available, but it’s now also possible to remotely collect those diagnostic logs for managed Microsoft 365 apps. That make the troubleshooting of app protection and app configuration policies a lot easier. Without really difficult, or challenging, activities from an user perspective. The main thing that is left for the user, is accepting the remote collections of the diagnostics logs. There are, however, some other details to keep in mind. This post will focus …

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Using a BYOCA with Microsoft Cloud PKI

This week is a follow-up on the post of last week about getting started with Microsoft Cloud PKI (Cloud PKI). This time it’s all about using a bring your own certificate authority (BYOCA) with Cloud PKI. BYOCA is focused on providing organizations with the ability to rely on an existing private CA. That can for example be an existing on-premises PKI infrastructure based on Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS). BYOCA enables the IT administrator to create an issuing CA in Cloud PKI that is anchored to that existing private CA. By doing that, the issuing CA becomes an extension of the already existing (on-premises) PKI infrastructure. That might take some of the previously mentioned benefits away, as this won’t takeaway all the need to maintain …

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Getting started with Microsoft Cloud PKI

This week is sort of another follow-up on the earlier posts about new Microsoft Intune Suite add-on capabilities. This time it’s all about the latest addition, Microsoft Cloud PKI (Cloud PKI). Cloud PKI provides organizations with a cloud-based service that simplifies and automates the certificate lifecycle management for Intune managed devices. It literally provides a public key infrastructure (PKI) from the cloud. That PKI environment can be built within a few minutes, by simply going through a couple of wizards. Even when relying on at least a two-tier hierarchy, with a root certificate authority (CA) and an issuing CA. There is no longer a need to maintain on-premises servers, connectors, or hardware. Cloud PKI handles the certificate issuance, renewal, and revocation for Intune managed devices. …

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Getting started with web-based device enrollment for iOS devices

This week is all about a new enrollment feature for iOS/iPadOS devices. That feature is web-based device enrollment. Web-based device enrollment is now one of the two device enrollment methods that is available for personal iOS/iPadOS devices. The other method is the already existing device enrollment with the Company Portal app. The main differentiator for web-based device enrollment is that it provides a faster and more user-friendly enrollment experience. It’s no longer required to first download the Company Portal app. Instead the user can just go to the Company Portal website, or start the new enrollment experience via an app that requires a compliant device. More user-friendly and accessible via the favorite browser of the user. Besides that, web-based device enrollment can be used in …

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Getting started with Microsoft Tunnel for Mobile Application Management for iOS/iPadOS

This week is all about one of the new Intune Suite add-on capabilities. The capability of focus is Microsoft Tunnel for Mobile Application Management (Tunnel for MAM) for iOS/iPadOS devices. The Intune Suite add-ons were released at the beginning of March, including a new licensing model, and including Tunnel for MAM. That capability on itself, is available as part of the new Microsoft Intune Plan 2 license. Tunnel for MAM makes it possible to provide access to on-premises resources, on unmanaged devices. Often unmanaged devices are equal to personal-owned devices. So, that provides IT with the flexibility to make that app, with on-premises interaction, available on personal-owned devices. Without requiring the user to enroll that specific device, but still enforcing secure access and guaranteeing full …

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Informing users of newly enrolled devices

This week is all about a nice small new feature that became general available with the latest service release of Microsoft Intune (2301). That feature is enrollment notification. Enrollment notifications provide organizations with an easy method to notify users when a new device is enrolled. That provides organizations with more grip on the devices that are enrolled within the environment, as users will be informed when a new device was enrolled using their credentials. Besides that, it also provides organizations with an alternative method to welcome employees. In other words, a great way to trigger users. Enrollment notifications can be used for Windows, Android, iOS/iPadOS, and MacOS devices that are enrolled by using the user-driven enrollment methods. The notifications can be email notifications and push …

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