This blog post will be about a bit strange scenario, it will be about deploying a device via a task sequence of ConfigMgr and ending up with the Microsoft Intune client. There are some cases in which the customer elects to manage some devices through Microsoft Intune, instead of ConfigMgr, but still wants to deploy the operating system via ConfigMgr. In those cases creativity is required to get the Microsoft Intune client installed.
The ConfigMgr client and the Microsoft Intune client can’t coexist on one device and it’s not possible to remove the ConfigMgr client during the task sequence (without breaking the task sequence). That’s were the SMSTSPostAction task sequence variable comes in place. This variable can be used to trigger an (unmonitored) action after the task sequence is completed. In this blog post I’ll provide a simple PowerShell script to remove the ConfigMgr client and to install the Microsoft Intune client. Also, I’ll show how to use this PowerShell script in a task sequence.
Now let’s start with the PowerShell script, by going through it step-by-step. The first step is the declaration of the required variables. Most of these variables are set to the default values. The $NewPath variable will be used as a temporary folder.
$NewPath = "C:\Temp" $CertificateName = "MicrosoftIntune.accountcert" $UninstallPath = "C:\Windows\ccmsetup" $UninstallerName = "ccmsetup.exe" $UninstallerArguments = "/Uninstall" $InstallerName = "Microsoft_Intune_Setup.exe" $InstallerArguments = "/Quiet"
The next step is to copy the Microsoft Intune client installation files to the temporary folder. This is done to overcome installation problems from the initial location after copying the installation files during the task sequence. This can be done by creating the temporary folder via the New-Item cmdlet and by copying the installation files via the Copy-Item cmdlet.
New-Item $NewPath -Type Directory Copy-Item "$PSScriptRoot\$InstallerName" -Destination $NewPath Copy-Item "$PSScriptRoot\$CertificateName" -Destination $NewPath
After everything is in place the removal can be started of the ConfigMgr client. This can be done by triggering the Start-Process cmdlet and waiting for that action to finish.
Start-Process -FilePath "$UninstallPath\$UninstallerName" ` -ArgumentList $UninstallerArguments -Wait -PassThru
After the removal of the ConfigMgr client it’s possible to start the installation of the Microsoft Intune client. This can be done by triggering the Start-Process cmdlet again and letting it wait for the action to finish. Keep in mind that when that process finishes the Microsoft Intune client is not fully installed yet. The processes are started to trigger all the different agent installations.
Start-Process -FilePath "$NewPath\$InstallerName" ` -ArgumentList $InstallerArguments -Wait -PassThru
At the end when the removals and installations are done, it’s time to clean up the installation files that were copied. This can be done by using a simple Remove-Item action on the temporary folder.
Remove-Item $NewPath -Force -Recurse
Save the script as Install-IntuneClient.ps1 and add the script together with the Microsoft Intune client installation files into one old-school Package. This Package does not require a Program and will only be used to provide the content during the task sequence. That means that this Package will contain the following three files, Microsoft_Intune_Setup.exe, MicrosoftIntune.accountcert and Install-IntuneClient.ps1.
Task Sequence
Now let’s have a look at how to use this PowerShell script in a task sequence. Well, the actual PowerShell script will not be started during the task sequence, but it will be added as an action directly after the task sequence is finished.
All together this will make sure that after a successful task sequence the created PowerShell script will be started. I’ve tested this now a numerous times and it works like a charm, just keep in mind that it’s triggered after the task sequence is started. That means that this action is not part of the task sequence progress and by that not monitored. To achieve something like that, the PowerShell script can be adjusted to log and sent more information.
Thanks for this post. Installation during OSD works.
However, the intune client is installed with errors.
Or, hard to explane, but some components does not work.
The Microsoft Online Management Service cannot do an update when the client is installed with this method. If i reinstall the client manually, this works.
Have you heard anything regardig this?
Best regards
I haven’t heard anything about that specific issue. Could it be that you’re also using OMS, or that the Internet connection is not yet up-and-running?
Well, after hours (actually days) of troubleshooting, i found the issue.
It seems that when SCCM and CMClient is Version 1610, the CMClient uninstalltion does not uninstall all services attached to the client.
For some reasons, the Microsoft Policy Platform service that comes with the CMClient does not uninstall.
Intune uses the same Policy Platform, but with a different version, and does not work with the Policy Platform that comes with the CMClient.
I added this line to the script to manually remove the MS Policy Platform:
#Uninstalling MS Policy Platform
Start-Process -FilePath “C:\Windows\System32\msiexec.exe” -ArgumentList “/X{6549B04F-E826-4E0A-8C3F-388540F08541} /qn”
Start-Sleep -s 160
After this, the Intune Clients installs the right version of MS Policy Platform.
If i dont manually uninstall the MS Policy Platform, the Intune clients looks ok after install. But in the logs we can see that the policy platform does not work.
It was not easy to find, because the enroll seems fine at first, and you can push applications etc. trough Intune.
But when testing userdeployments and policy actions they just dont seem to reach the client.
Thank you Marius for posting your results!
Just want to leave a quick thank you to you, Peter, and to Marius for providing the last piece of the puzzle I needed.
I was not able to get xcopy to work within a task sequence, at all. Ended up using cmd to get around the issue.
But, all in all, working now 🙂
Thank you, Bjørn!
Is there a way to create TS without installaing CM client at all?
Hi Sebus,
Only via MDT 🙂
Regards, Peter
Hello, where can I get the microsoftintune.accountcert and microsoft_intune_setup.exe?
Hi Alexdistor,
That doesn’t exist anymore. That was for the old client.
Regards, Peter