Microsoft has started with releasing the GDR2 update for Windows Phone 8.1. The good thing from a management perspective is that this update contains new management features. There are seven new additions to the PolicyManager configuration service provider (CSP). As I created the Windows Phone 8.1 configuration baseline and the Windows Phone 8.1 hardware inventory extension, I’ve updated both of them with these latest additions. This blog post will describe the newly added settings and a reminder about the download locations.
Note: Another new feature that comes with the GDR2 update is bulk enrollment. Even though it’s not part of this post, I thought it’s definitely worth mentioning. For more information see the Windows Phone 8.1 MDM Protocol document.
New settings
The newly added settings are described in the latest version of the Windows Phone 8.1 MDM Protocol document. Based on that document I’ve added the following policies to the inventory and the baseline:
- ./Vendor/MSFT/PolicyManager/My/Connectivity/CellularAppDownloadMBLimit;
This policy specifies the maximum app file size in MB allowed for downloading through cellular connection. - ./Vendor/MSFT/PolicyManager/My/Connectivity/AllowManualVPNConfiguration;
This policy allows the enterprise to enforce a VPN protection by disabling all VPN settings. - ./Vendor/MSFT/PolicyManager/My/Wifi/WLANScanMode;
This policy defines the frequency mode for active Wi-Fi scanning trigger when screen is off and on. - ./Vendor/MSFT/PolicyManager/My/Experience/AllowTaskSwitcher;
This policy allows the company to disable the task switcher completely. - ./Vendor/MSFT/PolicyManager/My/Security/AntiTheftMode;
This policy allows enterprises to prevent users from enabling the Anti Theft mode. - ./Vendor/MSFT/PolicyManager/My/DataProtection/RequireProtectionUnderLockConfig;
This policy allows data encryption of email data and associated attachments. - ./Vendor/MSFT/PolicyManager/My/DataProtection/EnterpriseProtectedDomainNames;
This policy specifies the enterprise domain names.
Note: These settings will fail on devices that are not updated to Windows Phone 8.1 GDR2.
Available for download
Starting today these updated files are available for download via the TechNet Galleries on the following locations:
- The complete Windows Phone 8.1 configuration baseline;
- The complete Windows Phone 8.1 hardware extension (MOF).
Further reading
The information about the configurable enterprise polices can be found in the Windows Phone 8.1 MDM Protocol document, starting with page 144. As mentioned before, this living document is available for downloaded here:
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