Whitelist the Microsoft Intune Company Portal app for Windows Phone

CompanyPortalAppLogoThis time a short blog post about the Microsoft Intune Company Portal app for Windows Phone. More specifically, about whitelisting the Microsoft Intune Company Portal app for Windows Phone. When whitelists, also known as Allowed Apps lists, are used, for allowing access to applications on a Windows Phone, even the Microsoft Intune Company Portal app has to be added to that list. In that case the Windows Phone Store variant can simply be added, based on the link in the Windows Phone Store, but the Download Center variant is a bit more challenging.

In this post I’ll provide the required information to find the app product ID for the Microsoft Intune Company Portal app for Windows Phone. As the app might be updated in the future, I’ll provide the procedure to find the information including the current app product ID.

Windows Phone 8.1

For Windows Phone 8.1 an appx variant of the Microsoft Intune Company Portal app for Windows Phone 8.1 is available for download in the Download Center. To get the required app product ID, perform the following steps.

  • Rename the CompanyPortal.appx to CompanyPortal.zip;
  • Open the CompanyPortal.zip and navigate to the AppxManifest.xml;
  • Open the AppxManifest.xml and search for PhoneProductId.

The value shown with the PhoneProductId is the required app product ID. This current value is f20abf45-bf96-4832-984b-34336931a95f.

Windows Phone 8.0

For Windows Phone 8.0 a xap variant of the Windows Intune Company Portal app for Windows Phone is available for download in the Download Center. To get the required app product ID, perform the following steps.

  • Rename the SSP.xap to SSP.zip;
  • Open the SSP.zip and navigate to the WMAppManifest.xml;
  • Open the WMAppManifest.xml and search for App ProductID.

The value shown with the App ProductID is the required app product ID. This current value is 01914a77-09e7-4f01-88d1-099162777f9b.

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