Updated tool: Remote Mobile Device Manager

My early Christmas present, for the community, is an updated version of my Remote Mobile Device Manager tool! This version includes a couple of bug fixes, a couple of added functionalities and a couple of look-and-feel adjustments. In this blog post I’ll provide an overview of those changes, I’ll provide an overview of the new look-and-feel and I’ll show the usage. For an overview of all the previously available features, please refer to my blog post about the previous version of my Remote Mobile Device Manager tool.

>> The updated version is now available for download <<


Now let’s start with a quick overview of the changes to this new release of my Remote Mobile Device Manager tool. This version includes the following changes and bug fixes:

  • Bug fix 1: In the previous release it was possible to perform remote actions on Windows 10 devices that were not applicable. This has been adjusted by first verifying the platform of the selected device, before providing the list of applicable remote actions;
  • Bug fix 2: In the previous release it could happen that devices were shown that didn’t belong to the provided user. This has been adjusted by adjusting the query, to select the devices of a user, to join on device identifier instead of device name (thanks for the suggestion Iain Fairbairn);
  • Functional 1: Added functionality to sent a sync request to
    de selected device (new functionality starting with Configuration Manager 1610);
  • Functional 2: Added functionality to get the status of a
    sync request for the selected device (new functionality starting with
    Configuration Manager 1610);
  • Look-and-feel 1: In the previous release it would show a button for every remote action. This has been adjusted to a combo box that shows applicable items based on the platform of the selected device (thanks for the suggestion Nickolaj);
  • Look-and-feel 2: Added additional columns to provide information about the serial number and the IMEI of the device (thanks for the suggestion Kent).


Let’s continue with how these changes impact the new look-and-feel of my Remote Mobile Device Manager tool. This version provides the following look-and-feel.


In this look-and-feel there are three sections that I would really like to highlight:

  1. The Remote Actions section has changed. It now provides a combo box and a single button. This combo box will only show the remote actions that are applicable to the platform of the selected device;
  2. The Sync Request and Sync Request State remote actions have been added. The Sync Request remote action will trigger a device to check for new polices and the Sync Request State remote action will show the status of the Sync Request remote action. These remote actions require Configuration Manager 1610;
  3. The Serial number and IMEI columns have been added. These columns provide information that can help with easily getting an overview of relevant information for a device.


Let’s end this post with the usage of my Remote Mobile Device Manager tool. The good news is. this hasn’t changed. It’s still built on WMI and it still doesn’t require the Configuration Manager cmdlets. Also, to start this tool the following parameters are still available:

  • SiteServer: This parameter is mandatory and should point to a server containing the SMS provider;
  • AllowWipe: This switch is optional and enables the button to wipe (factory reset) a device.

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10 thoughts on “Updated tool: Remote Mobile Device Manager”

  1. How hard would it be to add another field that showed device compliance status? I’m thinking it could just be one more attribute to pull back?

  2. I came up with the following line of code, works perfectly right before the returned data is added to the grid. Just added another function to convert the integer to text and added a column to the grid.

    $DeviceCompliance = $(Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $SiteServer -Namespace root/SMS/site_$($SiteCode) -Class SMS_R_SYSTEM -Filter “ResourceID=$($Device.ResourceID)”).MDMComplianceStatus

  3. No problem, we use your tool in place of giving helpdesk folks direct access to SCCM console for helping our users so I’m happy to give back!

  4. Great tool Peter. Everything works once the permissions are properly set.

    My only issue is I’m unable to see any serial numbers or IMEIs. Could you point me in the right direction to populate these fields?

    Phone numbers and AD site of the User would be great editions in future revisions.


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