Working with Windows Autopilot deployment events

This week is a short post about the Windows Autopilot deployment events that are registered in Microsoft Intune. In a way, a follow up post on this post of about a year ago. While that post was mainly focused on informing IT administrators about the status of Windows Autopilot deployments, this post will be more focused on awareness. Awareness for the deviceManagementAutopilotEvent resource type in Microsoft Graph that contains all the information about Windows Autopilot deployment events. It’s still an often forgotten resource type that does provide a lot of useful information about Windows Autopilot deployments and is also the basis for Windows Autopilot deployment report. This post will provide some more details of the properties that are available within that resource type, the content of the response, and examples for querying the resource type.

Overview of Windows Autopilot deployment events response

When looking at the Windows Autopilot deployment events, it all starts with the response that is provided by the deviceManagementAutopilotEvent resource type. That returns a long list with properties that are available for every Windows Autopilot deployment. Those properties can be used to filter Windows Autopilot deployments and to create insights based on those properties. The Windows Autopilot deployment report is based on this information. Below is an example of the response of the deviceManagementAutopilotEvent resource type in Microsoft Graph.

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#deviceManagement/autopilotEvents",
    "value": [
            "id": "autopilot_afbe9061-8862-4314-a9e6-b669c81613fc",
            "deviceId": "afbe9061-8862-4314-a9e6-b669c81613fc",
            "eventDateTime": "2023-03-30T18:04:53.7225512Z",
            "deviceRegisteredDateTime": "2022-07-21T10:15:33.7242009Z",
            "enrollmentStartDateTime": "2023-03-29T07:46:30.5444924Z",
            "enrollmentType": "azureADJoinedWithAutopilotProfile",
            "deviceSerialNumber": "8910-2429-1494-4937-3678-3882-11",
            "managedDeviceName": "CLDCLN678388211",
            "userPrincipalName": "ffd48409-bd0e-4f1f-a4ad-c525586bf890",
            "windowsAutopilotDeploymentProfileDisplayName": "Windows Autopilot deployment",
            "enrollmentState": "enrolled",
            "windows10EnrollmentCompletionPageConfigurationDisplayName": "Default",
            "windows10EnrollmentCompletionPageConfigurationId": null,
            "deploymentState": "success",
            "deviceSetupStatus": "unknown",
            "accountSetupStatus": "unknown",
            "osVersion": "10.0.22623.741",
            "deploymentDuration": "PT13M34.412S",
            "deploymentTotalDuration": "PT47M58.117S",
            "devicePreparationDuration": "PT17.469S",
            "deviceSetupDuration": "PT12M2.098S",
            "accountSetupDuration": "PT1M32.313S",
            "deploymentStartDateTime": "2023-03-29T07:46:13.0752268Z",
            "deploymentEndDateTime": "2023-03-29T08:34:11.1919903Z",
            "targetedAppCount": 1,
            "targetedPolicyCount": 0,
            "enrollmentFailureDetails": null

Overview of Windows Autopilot deployment events properties

When looking at the response of the deviceManagementAutopilotEvent resource type, it provides IT administrator with a lot of information about the Windows Autopilot deployments. To be able to use that information in the right way, it’s important to be familiar with the different properties that become available per Windows Autopilot deployment. Below is an overview of all the available properties, including a short description of what it is and how it can be used.

idString that contains the UUID of the device object
deviceIdString that contains the device id associated with the device object
eventDateTimeDateTimeOffset that contains the time when the event occurred
deviceRegisteredDateTimeDateTimeOffset that contains the device registration date
enrollmentStartDateTimeDateTimeOffset that contains the device enrollment start date
enrollmentTypewindowsAutopilotEnrollmentType that contains the enrollment type of unknown, azureADJoinedWithAutopilotProfile, offlineDomainJoined, azureADJoinedUsingDeviceAuthWithAutopilotProfile, azureADJoinedUsingDeviceAuthWithoutAutopilotProfile, azureADJoinedWithOfflineAutopilotProfile, azureADJoinedWithWhiteGlove, offlineDomainJoinedWithWhiteGlove, or offlineDomainJoinedWithOfflineAutopilotProfile
deviceSerialNumberString that contains the device serial number
managedDeviceNameString that contains the managed device name
userPrincipalNameString that contains the user principal name used to enroll the device
windowsAutopilotDeployment ProfileDisplayNameString that contains the Autopilot profile name
enrollmentStateenrollmentState that contains the enrollment state of unknown, enrolled, pendingReset, failed, notContacted, or blocked
windows10EnrollmentCompletion PageConfigurationDisplayNameString that contains the Enrollment Status Page profile name
windows10Enrollment CompletionPageConfigurationIdString that contains the Enrollment Status Page profile ID
deploymentStatewindowsAutopilotDeploymentState that contains the deployment state of unknown, success, inProgress, failure, successWithTimeout, notAttempted, or disabled
deviceSetupStatuswindowsAutopilotDeploymentState that contains the deployment status for the enrollment status page device setup phase of unknown, success, inProgress, failure, successWithTimeout, notAttempted, or disabled
accountSetupStatuswindowsAutopilotDeploymentState that contains the deployment status for the enrollment status page account setup phase of unknown, success, inProgress, failure, successWithTimeout, notAttempted, or disabled
osVersionString that contains the device operating system version
deploymentDurationDuration that contains the Autopilot deployment duration including enrollment
deploymentTotalDurationDuration that contains the total deployment duration from enrollment to Desktop screen
devicePreparationDurationDuration that contains the time spent in device enrollment
deviceSetupDurationDuration that contains the time spent in device Enrollment Status Page
accountSetupDurationDuration that contains the time spent in user Enrollment Status Page
deploymentStartDateTimeDateTimeOffset that contains the deployment start time
deploymentEndDateTimeDateTimeOffset that contains the deployment end time
targetedAppCountInteger that contains the number of applications targeted
targetedPolicyCountInteger that contains the number of policies targeted
enrollmentFailureDetailsString that contains the enrollment failure details

Example Windows Autopilot deployment events queries

When knowing the different properties that are available via the deviceManagementAutopilotEvent resource type, it’s good to be familiar with how those properties can be used for filtering of data. Let’s walk through a few examples with some good filters for Windows Autopilot deployments. The following example filters all successful Windows Autopilot deployment.$filter=deploymentState eq 'success'

Besides looking at the deployment status, it can also be interesting to look at the enrollment type. In other words, to filter on how the enrollment was initially started. The following example filters all pre-provisioned Windows Autopilot deployments.$filter=enrollmentType eq 'azureADJoinedWithWhiteGlove'

In addition to looking at the enrollment type it can also be interesting to look at the primary user, as that can also be an indication of were in the process the deployment is. The following example filters all Windows Autopilot deployments without user during the enrollment.$filter=userPrincipalName ne ''

Another often used filter is simply looking at the deployment end date, as that indicates when the deployment is finished. The following example filters all Windows Autopilot deployments that are finished after the specified date.$filter=deploymentEndDateTime gt 2023-03-29

Besides that, it’s also possible to filter on all the different names of profiles that are used during deployments. The following example filters all Windows Autopilot deployment based on the specified deployment profile.$filter=windowsAutopilotDeploymentProfileDisplayName eq 'Windows Autopilot deployment'

Of course it’s also possible to combine all of these different filters by simply using the and operator. Many examples of that can be achieved can be found in this earlier post about getting started with filtering and selecting data.

More information

For more information about Windows Autopilot deployment events, refer to the following docs.

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