Troubleshooting Windows Phone 8.1 enrollment – Part 2

A few months ago I did a blog post about How to troubleshoot Windows Phone 8.1 enrollment via Microsoft Intune. By then that was the only method to get log files from a Windows Phone 8.1 device for troubleshooting, but that has changed. A few days ago Microsoft released a document describing a different and easier method to get log files from a Windows Phone 8.1 device. This method is all around the, recently released, Field Medic app. As I previously wrote about troubleshooting Windows Phone 8.1 enrollment, I thought it would be good to do a short follow up with this easier method.


Let’s go through the required steps on a Windows Phone 8.1 device, to get the required logging. It’s pretty straight forward, but definitely good to know.

FieldMedic FieldMedic_Advanced FieldMedic_Advanced_Providers
Download and install the Field Medic app from the Store. Start the Field Medic app and select Advanced. In the advanced screen select <16 categories selected>.
FieldMedic_Advanced_Enterprise FieldMedic_Advanced_Logging FieldMedic_Advanced_Report
In the categories screen select Enterprise and return to the begin screen of the app. Start logging by selecting Start Logging. Now perform a normal enrollment and select Stop Logging. Provide a Report title and Save the logging.

Now connect the Windows Phone 8.1 device to a computer. On the computer open the File Explorer and navigate to [PhoneName] > Phone > Documents > FieldMedic > reports. The folders are numbered like, WPB_000_yyyymmdd_xxxxx. The folder with the most recent date contains the latest log files.

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